发表于 2011-12-20 14:21:17
来自 中国–江苏–南京
- <script>
- /**
- * Snow
- */
- (function(){
- function k(a,b,c){
- if(a.addEventListener)
- a.addEventListener(b,c,false);
- else {
- a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,c)
- }
- }
- function g(a){
- if(typeof window.onload!="function"){
- window.onload=a;
- }else{
- var b=window.onload;
- window.onload=function(){
- b();
- a()
- }
- }
- }
- function h(){
- var a={};
- for(type in{Top:"",Left:""}){
- var b=type=="Top"?"Y":"X";
- if(typeof window["page"+b+"Offset"]!="undefined")
- a[type.toLowerCase()]=window["page"+b+"Offset"];
- else{
- b=document.documentElement.clientHeight?document.documentElement:document.body;
- a[type.toLowerCase()]=b["scroll"+type]
- }
- }
- return a
- }
- function l(){
- var a=document.body,b;
- if(window.innerHeight)
- b=window.innerHeight;
- else if(a.parentElement.clientHeight)
- b=a.parentElement.clientHeight;
- else if(a&&a.clientHeight)
- b=a.clientHeight;
- return b
- }
- function i(a){
- this.parent=document.body;
- this.createEl(this.parent,a);
- this.size=Math.random()*5+3;
- this.el.style.width=Math.round(this.size)+"px";
- this.el.style.height=Math.round(this.size)+"px";
- this.maxLeft=document.body.offsetWidth-this.size;
- this.maxTop=document.body.offsetHeight- this.size;
- this.left=Math.random()*this.maxLeft;
- this.top=h().top+1;
- this.angle=1.4+0.2*Math.random();
- this.minAngle=1.4;
- this.maxAngle=1.6;
- this.angleDelta=0.01*Math.random();
- this.speed=2+Math.random()
- }
- var j=false;
- g(function(){
- j=true
- });
- var f=true;
- window.createSnow=function(a,b){
- if(j){
- var c=[],m=setInterval(function(){
- f&&b>c.length&&Math.random()<b*0.0025&&c.push(new i(a));
- !f&&!c.length&&clearInterval(m);
- for(var e=h().top,n=l(),d=c.length-1;d>=0;d--)
- if(c[d])
- if(c[d].top<e||c[d].top+c[d].size+1>e+n){
- c[d].remove();
- c[d]=null;
- c.splice(d,1)
- }else{
- c[d].move();
- c[d].draw()
- }
- },40);
- k(window,"scroll",function(){
- for(var e=c.length-1;e>=0;e--)
- c[e].draw()
- })
- }else
- g(function(){
- createSnow(a,b)
- })
- };
- window.removeSnow=function(){
- f=false
- };
- i.prototype={
- createEl:function(a,b){
- //var imgs = new Array;
- //imgs = ['http://img04.taobaocdn.com/tps/i4/T1qlKHXiVeXXXXXXXX-12-12.gif','http://img04.taobaocdn.com/tps/i4/T1qlKHXiVeXXXXXXXX-12-12.gif','http://img04.taobaocdn.com/tps/i4/T1qlKHXiVeXXXXXXXX-12-12.gif']
- //var rnd = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random()*imgs.length)];
- this.el=document.createElement("img");
- this.el.setAttribute("src","http://img04.taobaocdn.com/tps/i4/T1qlKHXiVeXXXXXXXX-12-12.gif");
- //this.el.setAttribute("class","fixpng");
- this.el.style.position="absolute";
- this.el.style.display="block";
- this.el.style.zIndex="99";
- //document.getElementById('snow').appendChild(this.el);
- this.parent.appendChild(this.el)
- },
- move:function(){
- if(this.angle< this.minAngle||this.angle>this.maxAngle)
- this.angleDelta=-this.angleDelta;
- this.angle+=this.angleDelta;
- this.left+=this.speed*Math.cos(this.angle*Math.PI);
- this.top-=this.speed*Math.sin(this.angle*Math.PI);
- if(this.left<0)
- this.left=this.maxLeft;
- else if(this.left>this.maxLeft)
- this.left=0
- },
- draw:function(){
- this.el.style.top=Math.round(this.top)+"px";
- this.el.style.left=Math.round(this.left)+"px"
- },
- remove:function(){
- //document.getElementById('snow').removeChild(this.el);
- //document.getElementById('snow').this.el=null;
- this.parent.removeChild(this.el);
- this.parent=this.el=null
- }
- }
- })();
- /**
- * This function takes 2 arguments
- * First is the path to the directory with snowflake images
- * Second is the maximum number of snowflakes, please do not
- * set this number above 60 as it will impact the performance
- */
- createSnow('', 60);
- </script>