我司不锈钢珩磨管主要用于机械液压领域,产品表面质量好,尺寸精度高,内表面粗糙度可达Ra0.1- 0.4um,内外径公差精度可达0.02mm,内外圆同心度可达0.01mm, 锥度和失圆度均可达到0.01, 且内外表面无油污无缺陷。 Dextube's stainless honed tube for pneumatic and hydraulic. The products have high surface quality and excellent dimensional accuracy. The inside roughness reaches Ra 0.1- 0.4um and tolerance of inner and outer diameter can be 0.02mm. Concentricity can be reached 0.01mm, Bore Taper and Bore out of roundness 0.01.and No defects for surface.
应用领域: 液压油缸、气缸、灌装缸筒、石化抽油泵、煤矿支护、工程机械、超重运输机械、汽车传动轴、包装机械,食品机械,灌装机械、医疗器械等行业。
材质Grades: TP304, TP304L, TP316L, Other grades can be offered on request. 标准Standards: ASTM A269
外径Outside diameter range from 20mm ~ 250mm
精度: 内表面粗糙度可达Ra0.1- 0.4um, 内外径公差精度可达0.02mm, 内外圆同心度可达0.01mm, 锥度和失圆度均可达到0.01