1、找到 include/taglib/channel.lib.php 文件,用下面代码替换这个文件里面的所有内容,以免出错,请先备份一下原文件。
- CAttribute->Items,$attlist);
- extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
- $innertext = $ctag->GetInnerText();
- $cacheid = trim($cacheid);
- if($cacheid !='') {
- $likeType = GetCacheBlock($cacheid);
- if($likeType != '') return $likeType;
- }
- $reid = 0;
- $topid = 0;
- if(empty($typeid) && $envs['typeid']!=0)
- {
- $typeid = $envs['typeid'];
- $reid = $envs['reid'];
- }else{
- $reid=0;
- }
- if($type==''||$type=='sun') $type="son";
- if($innertext=='') $innertext = GetSysTemplets("channel_list.htm");
- if($reid==0 && $typeid>0)
- {
- $dbrow = $dsql->GetOne("Select reid From dede_arctype where id='$typeid' ");
- if(is_array($dbrow)) $reid = $dbrow['reid'];
- }
- $likeType = '';
- if($type=='top')
- {
- $sql = "Select id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath,description
- From dede_arctype where reid=0 And ishidden<>1 order by sortrank asc limit 0,$row";
- }
- else if($type=="son")
- {
- //if($_sys_globals['typeid']>0) $typeid = $_sys_globals['typeid'];
- if($typeid==0) {
- return '';
- }
- $sql = "Select id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath,description
- From dede_arctype where reid='$typeid' And ishidden<>1 order by sortrank asc limit 0,$row";
- }
- else if($type=="self")
- {
- if($reid==0) {
- return '';
- }
- $sql = "Select id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath,description
- From `dede_arctype` where reid='$reid' And ishidden<>1 order by sortrank asc limit 0,$row";
- }
- //And id<>'$typeid'
- $needRel = false;
- $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse();
- $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]");
- $dtp2->LoadSource($innertext);
- $dsql2 = clone $dsql;
- $dsql->SetQuery($sql);
- $dsql->Execute();
- $line = $row;
- //检查是否有子栏目,并返回rel提示(用于二级菜单)
- if(ereg(':rel', $innertext)) $needRel = true;
- if(empty($sql)) return '';
- $dsql->SetQuery($sql);
- $dsql->Execute();
- $totalRow = $dsql->GetTotalRow();
- $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
- for($i=0;$i < $line;$i++) { if($col>1) $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- for($j=0;$j<$col;$j++) { if($col>1) $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- if($row=$dsql->GetArray())
- {
- $row['sonids'] = $row['rel'] = '';
- if($needRel)
- {
- $row['sonids'] = GetSonIds($row['id'], 0, false);
- if($row['sonids']=='') $row['rel'] = '';
- else $row['rel'] = " rel='dropmenu{$row['id']}'";
- }
- //处理同级栏目中,当前栏目的样式
- if( ($row['id']==$typeid || ($topid==$row['id'] && $type=='top') ) && $currentstyle!='' )
- {
- if($currentstyle!='')
- {
- $linkOkstr = $currentstyle;
- $row['typelink'] = GetOneTypeUrlA($row);
- $linkOkstr = str_replace("~rel~",$row['rel'],$linkOkstr);
- $linkOkstr = str_replace("~id~",$row['id'],$linkOkstr);
- $linkOkstr = str_replace("~typelink~",$row['typelink'],$linkOkstr);
- $linkOkstr = str_replace("~typename~",$row['typename'],$linkOkstr);
- $likeType .= $linkOkstr;
- }
- }else
- {
- $row['typelink'] = $row['typeurl'] = GetOneTypeUrlA($row);
- if(is_array($dtp2->CTags))
- {
- foreach($dtp2->CTags as $tagid=>$ctag){
- if(isset($row[$ctag->GetName()]))
- {
- $dtp2->Assign($tagid,$row[$ctag->GetName()]);
- }
- elseif (preg_match('/^sonchannel[0-9]*$/',$ctag->GetName()))
- {
- $dtp2->Assign($tagid,lib_channel_son($ctag,$row['id'],$dsql2));
- }
- }
- }
- $likeType .= $dtp2->GetResult();
- }
- }
- if($col>1) $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- $GLOBALS['autoindex']++;
- }//Loop Col
- if($col>1)
- {
- $i += $col - 1;
- $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- }
- }//Loop for $i
- reset($dsql2);
- $dsql->FreeResult();
- return $likeType;
- }
- function lib_channel_son($ctag,$typeid = 0,$dsql2)
- {
- $attlist = "row|100,col|1,currentstyle|";
- FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items,$attlist);
- extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
- $innertext = $ctag->GetInnerText();
- $dsql3 = clone $dsql2;
- $likeType = '';
- //if($_sys_globals['typeid']>0) $typeid = $_sys_globals['typeid'];
- if($typeid==0) {
- return '';
- }
- $sql = "Select id,typename,typedir,isdefault,ispart,defaultname,namerule2,moresite,siteurl,sitepath,description
- From dede_arctype where reid='$typeid' And ishidden<>1 order by sortrank asc limit 0,$row";
- //And id<>'$typeid'
- $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse();
- $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]");
- $dtp2->LoadSource($innertext);
- $dsql2->SetQuery($sql);
- $dsql2->Execute();
- $line = $row;
- for($i=0;$i < $line;$i++) { if($col>1) $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- for($j=0;$j<$col;$j++) { if($col>1) $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- if($row=$dsql2->GetArray())
- {
- $row['typelink'] = $row['typeurl'] = GetOneTypeUrlA($row);
- if(is_array($dtp2->CTags))
- {
- foreach($dtp2->CTags as $tagid=>$ctag){
- if(isset($row[$ctag->GetName()]))
- {
- $dtp2->Assign($tagid,$row[$ctag->GetName()]);
- }
- elseif (preg_match('/^sonchannel[0-9]*$/',$ctag->GetName()))
- {
- $dtp2->Assign($tagid,lib_channel_son($ctag,$row['id'],$dsql3));
- }
- }
- }
- $likeType .= $dtp2->GetResult();
- }
- if($col>1) $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- }//Loop Col
- if($col>1)
- {
- $i += $col - 1;
- $likeType .= "
- \r\n";
- }
- }//Loop for $i
- reset($dsql3);
- $dsql2->FreeResult();
- return $likeType;
- }
- ?>
Products List
- //导航此处才开始
- {dede:channelartlist typeid='top' row='8'}
- {dede:field name='typename'/}
- {dede:channel type='son'}//注意:此处不要加typeid函数,不然它会只调用你指定的ID分类;
- [field:typename/]
- [field:sonchannel0]
- [field:typename/]
- [field:sonchannel1]
- ---[field:typename/]
- [field:sonchannel2]
- ===[field:typename/]
- [field:sonchannel3]
- ===[field:typename/]
- [/field:sonchannel3]
- [/field:sonchannel2]
- [/field:sonchannel1]
- [/field:sonchannel0]
- {/dede:channel}
- {/dede:channelartlist}
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